by Damian McGillicuddy Published 01/12/2016
Every year, I give free masterclasses at the Digital Imaging Roadshows - a series of touring events that the Societies puts on around the UK, from Glasgow all the way down to Southampton, where members can come and see the latest products on offer from the photographic trade and get some great education from the top photographers and speakers in the field.
A big part of my presentations this year has been the subject of continuing professional development (CPD). What I don’t think people realise, however, is that I’m not just talking about CPD when I host my sessions - I’m demonstrating CPD when I host my sessions. Because, without the benefit of continually shooting and sharpening my skills and learning my craft, I simply wouldn’t be able to turn up at a hotel in Exeter or a conference centre in Houghton-le-Spring and do a live photo shoot for the Roadshows.
Thanks to CPD - and thanks to the portability of the Olympus OM-D system, as well as the portability of my favourite Elinchrom lighting kit - I’m able to show up at any venue, having never set eyes on it before, and produce a publication-worthy photo. Just like the ones you see on these pages, which were all shot live in front of audiences at the Roadshows we did in 2016.
And it’s thanks to the Joneses, Phil and Juliet, and Terri and Colin, that I’m able to practise what I preach and prove to the audiences in attendance that education is far and away the most important part of photography. You can get away without the best body, the best lens, the best light or the best subject, but if you don’t have the best education you’ll never take the best pictures, it’s just that simple. And I think the Joneses should be applauded for being instrumental in bringing the best education in the industry to the Societies' membership. If you didn’t make it to a Digital Imaging Roadshow in 2016, trust me, you’re missing out. Once you’ve been to the Convention in January (more on that later!), you can still see and learn so much at the Roadshows...
Our first stop on the 2016 Roadshow calendar was Sindlesham in Berkshire. The event will always stick in my mind because it was just a few days after Prince died, and I’ll never forget driving down the motorway and it actually started snowing in April - which of course I chose to take as a sign that the rock god was looking down and smiling on us!
There are 0 days to get ready for The Society of Photographers Convention and Trade Show at The Novotel London West, Hammersmith ...
which starts on Wednesday 15th January 2025